LC-125-B1L Battery Pump Automatic Lubricator
for direct supply of one lubrication point
The Lube Care LC-125-B1L is a highly efficient, microprocessor-controlled single-point lubricator. The power supply for the LC-125-B1L is provided by a 4,5 V battery pack. The lubricator is suitable for the accurate and demand-oriented direct supply of grease or oil of one lubrication point. Due to the high operating pressure of up to 30 bar (435 psi), the LC-125-B1L can also be used in combination with progressive lubricant distributors to supply several lubrication points.
The following operating modes can be flexibly set on the LC-125-B1L:
- Hour-Mode -h- (setting of a pause time between two lubrication cycles and setting of the number of cycles during a dispensing cycle)
- Empty-Time-Mode Et (setting of an emptying time in months)
- Greases up to NLGI class 2
- Oils up to 30,000 mm²/s
- Rolling and plain bearing lubrication
- Linear guides
- Ball screws
- Racks and pinions
- Chains